
The gallery houses our photos and videos of all our events. To view any photo or video, click on individual links under gallery.


Covid-19 has altered our way of life and work, and no one knows how long this will continue. Dementia Care Experience and Workshops will continue to support people living with dementia, as well as their caregivers and family members. Although we are not currently visiting people in their homes, care homes, day centres, or hospitals, we are providing support through other means, such as webinars. We develop interactive games and activities, as well as hold video calls with caregivers and family members.

We understand that people are concerned about Covid-19 and what it means for those living with dementia, because we know that people living with the condition are already isolated and lonely. As a result, we have increased our efforts to ensure that people are not isolated at this critical time. As things settle down, we hope to continue to collaborate with other organisations, agencies, and care providers to provide support for families and their loved ones living with dementia through workshops and community outreach programmes.

All updates are made in accordance with government regulations. Visit the official UK government website for data and insights on coronavirus (Covid-19)