We are in the process of organising an End of Year nation wide event, themed “BRING AND SHARE 2020 Dementia Awareness”, where we want to encourage participants (those with lived experience, carers and family members of pwd) and anyone interested in understating the struggles of caring for someone living with dementia, to
In conversation, “BE DEMENTIA AWARE…”
Dementia Care Experience and Workshops CIC, welcome you to the next event looking at how to be dementia aware. Dementia is global health challenge and DECEW is totally engaged in creating more awareness of dementia and promoting the understanding that while some countries have strategies in place to take
The Partial Launch of DECEW
Welcome to Dementia Care Experience and Workshops (CIC), established in November 2019, purposefully to create more awareness of dementia in the Black Minority and Ethnic (BME) communities. The organisation, of course, also spread this awareness to other groups and communities in the hope that there will be more awareness of the condition in those communities. Unfortunately, due to the outbreak of Covid-19 in 2019 and subsequent lockdown in March 2020, our work has been slightly hampered and the launch delayed but we have been resilient in our efforts to support people living with dementia, their carers and families through endless courses and activities we deliver via webinar. We, feel now is the right time to introduce Dementia Care Experience and Workshops (CIC) to the public and hope that as the world is changing due to the Covid-19 outbreak, we will not give up on our mission of creating more awareness of dementia in our communities.

We embarked on this journey because we feel there is a gap in dementia awareness in our immediate communities that reflect the needs and beliefs of the local people. We know there are lots of organisations out there promoting the awareness of dementia, but not many that identifies the socio-cultural, spiritual, religious and economic needs, among other needs, of those from the BME groups and this is why we are teaming up with like minded organisations to identify those needs and put in place, structures, activities and also to recommend care packages that will reflect those specific needs of the BME people.
Dementia is a global health concern and we must all work together to support those living with the condition by providing information that is accessible and meaningful to the communities, simplifying the service provisions and encouraging people to seek help as early as possible. So, join us on this partial launch. You can support our efforts by making a small donation using events@decew.co.uk via the PayPal tab on the Donations page or through GoFundMe
Date: Sunday 10th January, 2021
Time: 2pm – 3.30pm
Venue: Zoom (Meeting ID: 937 3175 2065)
Suggested hashtag: #DECEWTheLaunch2021, #YesWeCare
The outbreak of Covid-19 has changed the way we live, work and socialise. This is more difficult for people living with dementia and those who care for them. Our organisation conducts virtual home visits to connect with people living with dementia, their carers and family members. To join us on any of our visits, contact us via events@decew.co.uk. You can also support our work by making a small donation through events@decew.co.uk or go to our Donations page to donate via the Pay Now tab.
The next virtual visit is coming up and we hope you can join us.
Date: Sunday, 27th December 2020
Time: 2pm – 3pm
Venue: Various care homes (via Zoom)
Suggested hashtag: #DCareInVirtualWorld
End of Year National Event – “BRING AND SHARE 2020 DEMENTIA AWARENESS”
DECEW aim to create awareness of dementia in our communities specifically those of the Black Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups. We also collaborate with all organisations working towards a better understanding of dementia in our society. We are in the process of organising an End of Year event,
Tea Tuesday Conversation with National Activities Providers Association (NAPA)
National Activities Providers Association (NAPA) (www.napa-activities.co.uk) A collaboration with NAPA to explore how to meet the needs of BAME people living with dementia in residential homes and part of creating an ongoing conversation on the subject especially during the Black History month. Event: Tea Tuesday Conversation (Webinar) Title: Providing inclusive activities; meeting the
Windrush Generation and their Kin
An invitation by 492KornaKlub.com to the live interactive zoom performances and community debates about the Windrush Generation, during the Black History month 2020.
These events are especially important to the black communities but equally very important that other members of the society join the black communities to celebrate and commemorate the contributions of the Windrush generation and their descendants to life and culture in the UK.
Event: Windrush Generation and their Kin
Title: Lambeth Heritage Festival 2020
Date: Wednesday, 30th September 2020 (Many other dates through out September 2020, over 40 different events)
Time: 7 pm – 10 pm