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Dementia Care Experience & Workshops > Blog > Activities / Events > BLACK HISTORY MONTH – 2021 “TIME OF REFLECTION…”


Dementia Care Experience and Workshop (CIC) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to increasing dementia awareness in our society, particularly among Black Minority Ethnic communities. We bring in experts in culture, history, health, and relationships to share their knowledge on these topics during Black History Month. For centuries, people of African and Caribbean descent have played an important role in British history, and Black History Month allows everyone to share, celebrate, and understand the significance of black heritage and culture.

Our Black History Month – 2021 events, themed “Time of Reflection,” focused on what Black History Month means to black people, providing an opportunity to bring together experts in health, culture, and relationship issues to help us promote an understanding of the black community’s needs. Acceptance and inclusivity can be promoted during Black History Month.

We had fantastic speakers, academics, and dedicated individuals who work tirelessly to promote black culture, health, and well-being, and they spoke on issues that are particularly important to black people. Dr Errol Francis, Artistic Director and CEO of Culture&, spoke about “Reflection on Black History Month and Culture” on October 3rd, 2021. On the 17th of October Mrs. Cathy Adadevoh, Specialist Epilepsy Nurse, spoke about health issues focusing on epilepsy, and Sir Odeneho Dinpa, CEO of Dinpas TV and Family Therapist, was scheduled to take us on the journey of “Black History Month; A Time to Heal and Unite,” looking at how relationships can be formed, repaired, and fostered, on the 31st of October. Unfortunately, Sir Dinpa was unable to attend the date. A new date will be set.

It was an honour to welcome Dr Errol Francis, Artistic Director and CEO of Culture& and New Museum School Public Programmes, to share his knowledge, experience, and expertise on the significance of Black History Month, the role of black people in British history, and the need to embrace other aspects of society, work, and engagements that black communities are involved in but are not discussed as often as they should be; black culture and museums.

Dr Francis was the first speaker at our Black History Month event, which took place on Sunday, October 3rd at 6 pm. Please click here to access Dr Francis’ presentation.

SPEAKER: Dr Errol Francis, Artistic Director and CEO of Culture&

DATES: Sunday, 3rd October 2021.

TIME: 6 – 7pm

VENUE: Online: Meeting ID: 869 3785 2892

Meeting Passcode: L0MDW2

Mrs Adadevoh, a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Learning Disability and Epilepsy, joined us on October 17th at 6 pm, as our second speaker. Mrs. Adadevoh gave an excellent presentation on epilepsy, a health condition that is rarely discussed in black communities. Please click here to access Mrs Adadevoh’s presentation.

SPEAKER: Mrs. Cathy Adadevoh, Specialist Epilepsy Nurse

DATES: Sunday, 17th October 2021.

TIME: 6 – 7pm

VENUE: Online: Meeting ID: 869 3785 2892

Meeting Passcode: L0MDW2

To end the Black History Month 2021, on the 31st of October 2021 at 6 pm, DECEW felt it befitting to title the final event, “A time to heal and unite”, a passionate topic for our speaker, Sir Dinpa, CEO of DinpasTV.

Sir Dinpa is a family therapist who is committed to assisting families in rebuilding relationships, whether in marriage, family disputes, or elsewhere, by improving communication, understanding, and dealing with special family situations, as well as creating better functioning family and home environments.

SPEAKER: Sir Odeneho Dinpa, CEO of Dinpas TV and Family Therapist

DATES: Sunday, 31st October 2021.

TIME: 6 – 7pm

VENUE: Online: Meeting ID: 869 3785 2892

Meeting Passcode: L0MDW2

Sir Dinpa, unfortunately, was unable to attend due to illness. His topic will be delivered at a later date, once he has fully recovered. Meanwhile, DECEW used the event to remind attendees of the importance of dementia awareness. To view the entire presentation slide, please click here.

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