Dementia Care Experience and Workshops CIC, welcome you to the next event looking at how to be dementia aware. Dementia is global health challenge and DECEW is totally engaged in creating more awareness of dementia and promoting the understanding that while some countries have strategies in place to take care of people living with dementia, all be it with great challenges, many other countries have little or non existing strategies for that purpose. Therefore we hope to get our communities more dementia aware because we understand that for ever four seconds, someone somewhere in the world is diagnosed with dementia.
Please join us on this event.

Date: Saturday, 6th March 2021
Time: 6 – 6:45pm
Venue: Online via Zoom (Meeting ID: 965 6869 8609 and Meeting Password: 088718)
Suggested hashtags: #BeDementiaAware, #YesWeCare, #PWDMatters
You can help us organise this event by donating using PayPal account of Dementia Care Experience and Workshops (CIC) –