We are in the process of organising an End of Year nation wide event, themed “BRING AND SHARE 2020 Dementia Awareness”, where we want to encourage participants (those with lived experience, carers and family members of pwd) and anyone interested in understating the struggles of caring for someone living with dementia, to come along and share their experiences and views, if any, in relation to their understanding of dementia and also to learn more about dementia in general. This is an opportunity to come together in support of pwd and those who care for them and to end the year positively despite the struggles of 2020 with the outbreak Covid-19.
You can help us organise these events and support our projects by donating using the PayPal account of Dementia Care Experience and Workshops (CIC), events@decew.co.uk or through the Pay Pal link.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at our events.